
Elvis Presley’s musical legacy is a treasure trove of timeless classics, and one hidden gem that showcases his fun and infectious side is “Do The Clam.” Released in 1965, this lively tune is a testament to Elvis’s ability to infuse even the simplest dance instructions with his unmistakable charm. Let’s take a closer look at the toe-tapping joy of “Do The Clam.”

Did You Know?

Unearth some fascinating facts about “Do The Clam” and the iconic artist behind it:

  1. Film Tie-In: “Do The Clam” was featured in the 1965 musical film “Tickle Me,” where Elvis Presley starred as a singing rodeo cowboy. The song, accompanied by Elvis’s energetic dance moves, added a memorable touch to the film.
  2. Dance Craze: The song introduces listeners to the “Clam” dance, a quirky and delightful routine that became a sensation during the ’60s. Explore how this dance craze captivated audiences and contributed to the song’s popularity.
  3. Chart Success: Despite being a departure from Elvis’s typical rock sound, “Do The Clam” found its way onto music charts, showcasing the artist’s ability to experiment with different styles while maintaining his chart-topping status.
  4. Recording Anecdotes: Delve into the behind-the-scenes stories of the song’s recording process. From Elvis’s playful approach to the collaboration with musicians, discover the creative dynamics that shaped “Do The Clam.”
  5. Cultural Impact: Examine the song’s impact on popular culture, both in the ’60s and beyond. Uncover how “Do The Clam” left an imprint on dance trends and influenced subsequent generations of artists.


Lyrics: Do The Clam

Hey everybody gather round
N’ listen to that bongo sound
Grab the first one in your reach
Now we’re going to shake the beach

Do the Clam, do the Clam
Grab your barefoot baby by the hand
Turn n’ tease, hug n’ squeeze
Dig right in n’ do the Clam

You can get your heart to spin
On the outside looking in
Moon ain’t gonna last all night
Well, let’s work up an appetite

Do the Clam, do the Clam
Grab your barefoot baby by the hand
Turn n’ tease, hug n’ squeeze
Dig right in n’ do the Clam

Everybody’s got that beat
Well, listen to those happy feet
Ain’t you glad that you found out
What the Clam is all about

Do the Clam, do the Clam
Oh and grab your barefoot baby by the hand
Turn n’ tease, hug n’ squeeze
Dig right in n’ do the Clam

Do the Clam, do the Clam
Oh and grab your barefoot baby by the hand
Turn n’ tease, hug n’ squeeze
Dig right in n’ do the Clam
Dig right in n’ do the Clam